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注册会计师考前突击强化班   全新课程震撼来袭
来源: | 作者:nice | 发布时间: 598天前 | 1373 次浏览 | 分享到:

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1.--This is Kathy Chen, our Financial Officer.


A. Finance Officer is an important position.

B. OK. Let's go to see her.

C.I'm pleased to meet you, Kathy.

D. Thank you, Kathy.


2. --Would you mind ifI smoke here?


A. Yes, go ahead.

B.No, I wouldn't mind at all.

C.No, you cannot smoke here.

D. You are a smoker!


3. --The visit to Italy is fairly good, though we did have quite a lot of rain


A. It's a wonderful journey

B. You must get wet.

C. It's a hard journey.

D. What a pity!


4. --Sorry, I made a mistake again.

--_____________________Practise more,and you'll succeedA. Take it easy.

B. Certainly not.

C.Don't mention it.

D.Don't blame yourself.


5.--I've started my own software company.


A. Could you tell me who is the owner?

B. B.No kidding! Congratulations!

C. IfI had the money, I'd start one.

D. D.My company runs well.



--I am so glad that there was no traffic jam.

A. How have you been recently?

B. How did you come over here?

C.How was the traffic coming over here?

D.How was the position?


7.--Are you ready to buy a car, Sir?



B. Please dont buy it.

C.No. don't mention it.

D. Yes. I'd like to have a Jeep.


8.--I love the Internet. I've come to know many friends on the Net.

--__________________Few of them would become your real firiends.

A. That's for sure.

B. It's hard to say.

C.I couldn't agree more.

D. I'm pleased to know that.


9.--What is the distance between the two places?


A. The distance is not important.

B. We should care about it.

C. It is about 15 kilometers.

D. It is not far away.


10. --How did you enjoy the performance?


A. Perfect. It is attractive

B. It's up to you.

C. It is a good question.

D. Yes, you did well.



11. Sometimes punishment doesn't work and the boy  ________  another bad habit insteadof behaving better.

A. carries out

B. picks up

C. carries on

D. picks out


12.Charles Dickens ________ many wonderful characters in his novels.

A. Invented





13. To meet the publishers deadline, I have to ________ late tonight finishing the lastchapter of my autobiography.

A. keep up

B. stay up

C.wake up

D.jump up


14. We have to accept the fact ________ most of us have been raised with certain foodsand we stick to them all our lives.

A. Which

B. What


D. for that


15. Running up big bills on credit cards means you'll have trouble  ________ the full debtwhen the statement arrives.

A. to pay off

B. paying off

C. paid off

D. being paid off


16. ________ in charge of the night club has bothered him for quite some time.

A. Left

B. Being left

C.Having left

D.To leave


17. Were it not for the bad weather, we  ________ tennis at the moment.

A. would be playing

B. would have played

C.were playing

D. had played


18. Since there isnt much time left, you can just tell us about it ________ . 

A. in detail

B. at length

C.in all

D. in brief


19.The number of women who ________ a single child increased continuously from

only 8% in 1981 to 13% in 2006.

A. gave life to

B. gave consideration to

C. gave birth to

D. gave a hand to


20.When ________ to stress, our body reacts both chemically and physically.






21. He has just finished a ________ jogging.


B.two hour




22. We have to ________ the news before 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.


B. release


D. relay


23.Perhaps the most unusual ________ in the room is an extraordinary pair of candles

A. characteristic


C. Trait

D. feature


24. Our usual figure is around 5%, but that ________ the size of the order.

A. depends on

B. looks up

C.holds up

D.deals with


25. The two parties held the talk in a friendly ________ and reached an agreement






26.The number of television programs ________ toward infants is growing

A. to gear


C. geared



27. ________ is known to the Americans, Mark Twain is a great American writer.

A. That





28. Although he is very old, ________ he is quite strong.

A. yet





29. We have decided to have a party ________  the occasion.

A. in honor of

B. in need of

C. in spite of

D. in quest of


30. Only if people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe ornot ________ enjoy a better life.

A. they will

B. will they

C.they would

D.would they


31. Although they lost their jobs, savings and unemployment benefits allow the couple to ________ their comfortable home.

A. come in for

B.catch up with

C.look forward to

D. hold on to


32. The hardware inside your laptop is hopelessly ________

A.up to now

B. out of necessity

C. out of date

D. up to date


33. This is the house ________ we had a business negotiation last month.

A. to which

B.in which

C. for which



34. With the rapid economic growth in China, the logistics industry is ________ greatly






35. ________ difficulties he may meet with, he will not be discouraged.






36.A ________ in working in customer service is to ensure that you have focused yourattention on the right key arcas.

A. choice





37. Sally as well as her brother ________ reading books.

A likes

B. like

C.have liked

D. is liking


38. You should open a(n) ________ at an online bank first.

A. Accuracy

B. Discount




39.We ________ for 13 hours by the time we get to New York

A. will fly

B.will have flown




40. Please tell me how I can use the computer, ________ ?

A. can you

B. could you

D. would you

C.will you



Passage 1

    Parenting is hard. If you're a parent, I'm sure that I don't need to tell you that ourjob is a tough one. When you're managing children, it can be difficult to rememberthat they are still learning. If you find that you are yelling at your kids more often thanyou want to, here are some ways that can help you reduce the yelling. I've beenworking on this for the past few months and I have to say, it's been amazing for boththe kids and me.

    If you are having an argument with your child, you need to make sure you bothtake the time to really listen It gives both of you time to think and really listen to eachother, which is important, Kids are more likely to listen to you if you listen to them!( 66 ) One of your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of appropriateexpectations. You can't expect that your youngest acts as responsibly as your oldestYou should lower what you expect - taking into consideration things like their ageit can make a big difference.

    You should do your best to take a moment before yelling and take in a deepbreath. It makes a world of difference for you. Instead of yelling, you'd better whisper.It can also help diffuse any situation by making things quieter, not louder. ( 67 )Besides. the more time you spend with your kids, the better you'll get atcommunicating with them. You're both more likely to understand each other.

    If vour children aren't listening or it seems they only don't listen to you, youdon't take it personally. You should remind yourself that your kids are still learningand they're not going to be perfect.


41. As a parent, you may know that parenting is ________ iob.

A. an easy

B. a dificult

C.an interesting

D.an impossible


42. ________ is a good way to stop argument between parents and their kids.

A. Lcaving your home

B. Having a fight

C.Listening to each other

D.Raising your voice


43.Usually youngcr kids behave ________ elder children.

A. less responsibly than

B. as responsibly as

C.more responsibly than

D as irresponsiblv as


44. What does this refer to in the last sentence in Paragraph 1?

A. How to manage kids.

B. Yelling at kids.

C.How to reduce yelling at kids

D. How to arguc with the kids.


45.What can you learn from the passage?

A. Yelling at kids would make your kids keep quiet

B. Whispering is no use in an argument.

C. The higher you expect your kid, the better they perform

D.Respecting cach other between parents and their kids is important


Passage 2

    Kenya has east Africa's largest economy. lts capital city is growing quickly, butthieves in the capital steal an average of 10 cars each day.

    ( 68) Kelvin Macharia has invented a tracking device that uses computers andwireless technology to help owners know where their cars are. and find them if theyare stolen. Mr. Macharia is just 24 years old. He is the CEO of Sunrise Tracking.

    He began working on his invention in 2012 Using $300 from his savings. heimproved a system that was already being used to find stolen cars. His smart anti-theftsystem uses a computer or a mobile phone to tell owners where their cars are. MrMacharia says if a car is stolen. the owner can find it using his tracking device. Theowner is able to send a command signal to the vehicle through a text message. ltimmediately stops the car from moving, Experts say this shows the power of securitysolutions that involve mobile technology.

    Mr Macharia used material available in Kenya to make his first tracker deviceWhen he was satisfied with the design, he outsourced the making of the device to afactory in China. ( 69) He says his company is now worth more than $100.000 andhas more than 100 companies as clients.

Mr. Macharia continues to develop other security products. His other securityproducts include car alarms and a camera hidden inside a pen. And he says he isbuilding a wireless security camera that will be able to store video information forlong periods of time.

    Mr. Macharia hopes his technological innovations give his clients the securityand safety they want and need.


46.According to the first paragraph, we know that ________

A. Kcnya is a capital city which is very large and fashionablc

B. a few cars are stolen in the capital every day

C. Kenya is in the west in Africa

D. Kenya's economy is behind the time


47. What do the experts think of the technology of tracking device?

A. It's out of date.

B. It's questionable.

C.It's expensive.

D.It's advanced.


48.From the passage we can see that Mr. Macharia's invention ________

A. includes mobile phone and computer

B. includes camera and video

C. can help the owner to find stolen cars

D. can help his clients to built a factory in China


49. What does the word oufsource mean in Paragraph 4?

A.To arrange somebody outside to do a job.

B. To work something out by oneself.

C. To speak something out for.

D To understand something .


50.What is the passage mainly about?

A A young inventor in Kenya invented a car security device.

B. Mr Macharia is the CEO of Sunrise Tracking.

C.Mr. Macharia's company is now worth more than S100,000

D. A young inventor has invented a camera hidden inside a pen


Passage 3

    Since World War Il, with the development of management science, there hasbeen an increasing interest in supply chain management. Supply chain is defined as anetwork composed of factories, suppliers, retailers, customers etc. They supply toeach other raw materials, components, products and services. Undoubtedlyinformation plays an important role in supply chain management becausc it providesthe facts that managers use to make decisions. Without information, a manager willnot know what consumers want how much inventoryis in stock and when moreproducts should be produced and shipped. In short, without information, a managercan only make decisions blindly.

    Managers must understand how information is gathered and analyzed. This iswhere information technology comes into play. (70) Information technology serves asthe cyes and cars of management in a supply chain, capfuring and delivering theinformation necessary to ake a good decision. For instance, an IT system at apersonal computer manufacturer may help a manager analyze the information andrecommend an action. The manager can use the remaining chips first, then look atdemand forecast and determine whether to order more chips.

    Supply chain information systems are the threads that link logistics activities intoan integrated process. There are four reasons why timely and accurate information hasbecome more important for effective logistics system design and operations. Firstcustomers recognize information about order status, product availability, deliveryschedule, and shipment tracking as necessary elements of total customer service. Then,managers realize that information can be used to reduce human resource requirementsWhats more, information increases flexibility with regard to how, when, and whereresources may be used to gain strategic advantage. And finally, enhanced informationtransfer and exchange capability of using the Internet is changing relationshipsbetween buyers and sellers and refining channel relationships.


51. According to the passagc, about supply chain, we can know that ________

A. supply chain management has aroused little interest since World War Il

B.supply chain is a kind of network composed of one element

C. the main task for the supply chain is to supply raw materials

D.information plays an important role in supply-chain management


52. The word capfuring in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________

A. learning


C. catching



53. We can infer from Paragraph 2 that information technology ________

A . is necessary for managers to make decisions

B. is only used in manufacturing computers

C. makes people use information freely

D. is helpful for weather forecast


54. The reason for the use of information in logistics is ________

A. information can help custoiners buy goods at a lower price

B. the relationship between buyers and sellers gets more complex by modern Information

C. the choices of transportation are timely provided for suppliers

D. the requirements of human resource are reduced by using information


55. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. The Use of Information Technology in Management

B. The Importance of Information in Supply Chain

C. The Development of Information Technology in Logistics

D. The Process of Decision-making in Computer Production



In competitive markets, leaders are under increased pressure to maintain apositive work culture. A positive work culture cultivates greater employee satisfaction;greater employee satisfaction contributes to higher performance; higher performanccimpacts improved client outcomes; improved client outcomes contribute to serviceexcellence.

56 work cultures are built over time and need constant attention, Such

cultures are  57  leadership vision and values.Workplace culture  58   the shared attitudes, belicfs, bchaviors, valucs andexpectations that  59  the way people work in the workplace. It is the way wedo things around here".

Some cultural aspects are understood by all and are obvious  60  turning up for work on time.  61  others may be unwritten rules” that are not so obvious, for example, how personal issues are resolved with work colleagues.

Those companies that do create positive workplace environments develop areputation in their community as being "good to work for and have a competitiveedge. Not only  62   more able to attract and retain people, they tend to be morestable as they proactively deal with issues and adapt   63  change.

For a workplace culture to be positive, the direction and actions of the business must be  64 with the core values of the people in the workplace. The peoplemust trust each other and be able to   65   express and exchange ideas.


56. A. Positive  B.Ncgative  

     C.Optimistic  D.Pcssimistic 


57.A. imposed to  B.combined with    

     C. dependent on    D.independent on 


58. A.makes up of   B.composes of     

     C. is made up of    D. is consisted of 


59.A.influence   B indicate   

     C. inform      D, initiate 


60.A. so long as  B.such as  

     C.as to  D. as follows  


61.A.although   B.since 

     C.when  D.while 


62. A. are these companies   

     B. these companies are 

   C.do these companies 

     D. these companies did 


63.A.in   B. from   

    C.with  D.to 


64.A.contemporary   B.consistent  

     C.considered  D,continual  


65.A.open   B.openly  

     C. formal  D.formally




66. One of your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of appropriate expectations.(Passage1)


67.Besides, the more time you spend with your kids, the better you'll get atcommunicating with them.(Passage1)


68. Kelvin Macharia has invented a tracking device that uses computers and wirelesstechnology to help owners know where their cars are. (Passage 2)


69. When he was satisfied with the design, he outsourced the making of the device toa factory in China.(Passage 2)


70. Information technology serves as the eyes and ears of management in a supplychain.(Passage 3)














答案:1.C  2.B  3.D  4.A  5.B  6.C  7.D  8.B  9.C  10.A  11.B  12.D  13.B  14.C  15.B  16.B  17.A  18.D  19.C  20.A  21.C  22.B  23.D  24.A  25.A  26.C  27.D  28.A  29.A  30.B  31.D  32.C  33.B  34.A  35.D  36.B  37.A  38.C  39.B  40.C  41.B  42.C  43.A  44.C  45.D  46.B  47.D  48.C  49.A  50.A  51.D  52.C  53.A  54.D  55.B  56.A  57.C  58.C  59.A  60.B  61.D  62.A  63.D  64.B  65.B




69.他说他的公司现在价值超过 10 万美元,拥有 100 余家公司客户



The film is worth seeing.


It was they that (who) cleaned the classroom yesterday.


The company admits that the road ahead is full of difficulties.


We are looking forward to working with you.


The company makes a profit no matter how bad the cconomic situation is.7l.






